Science name Alpinia oxyphylla
Family Zingiberaceae
Common names Sharp-Leaf Galangal
Part used Seed
Benefits Support the spleen, and kidney, increase sperm quality and quantity, anti-inflammatory, reducing bladder smooth muscle spasms and urinary incontinence, non-control urination, reducing overactive bladder (OAB)
Botanical Properties

The benefits of Sharp-Leaf Galangal (Alpinia oxyphylla)

Alpinia oxyphylla also know as Sharp-leaf galangal, belongs to the Zingiberaceae family. It is a perennial herb that can reach height 1–3 m. This herb has  used not only as an edible fruit, but also as an important traditional medicine for benefiting cognitive performance and alleviating a wide spectrum of diseases, such as:  warming kidney, securing essence and arresting polyuria, as well as warming the spleen and stopping diarrhea. A. oxyphylla was used in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) to treat “Yang” deficiency. . Besides, A. oxyphylla exhibited anti-cancer, antioxidant, anti -inflammatory, anti-allergic, antiparasitic, anti-diabetic and anti-microbial potential in modern pharmacological research. Many modern pharmacological studies have supported traditional uses of A. oxyphylla, including nervous system, urinary system and gastrointestinal system disease.

Benefits of Alpinia oxyphylla

  • Effects on urinary system health: fruits of A. oxyphylla was commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine for the treatment of different urinary incontinence symptoms including frequency, urgency and nocturia. . Modern pharmacological studies have revealed that 95% ethanol extract of the fruits of A. oxyphylla exhibited significant anti-muscarinic activity. Izalpinin (the compound was isolated from A. oxyphylla) exhibited inhibitory role of muscarinic receptor and it might be a promising lead compound to treat overactive bladder.
  • Neuroprotective activity: A. oxyphylla was widely used to improve the intelligence in China. In Chinese, A. oxyphylla has called Yì zhì, which means “benefit for cognitive performance”. Additional, it is thought to help to protect against neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.
  • Digestive Health: oxyphylla, mainly containing sesquiterpenes, diterpenes, flavonoids, and diarylheptanoids was extensively used as a traditional Chinese medicine in curing diarrhea, intestinal disorders and dieresis. Beside, A. oxyphylla has been used to improve digestive function, reduce inflammation in the digestive system, and alleviate symptoms such as bloating
  • Antioxydant activity: Alpinia oxyphylla contains a high amount of antioxidants, which can help to protect against free radical damage and reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as cancer and heart disease.


Ethnopharmacological uses, phytochemistry, biological activities, and therapeutic applications of Alpinia oxyphylla Miquel: A review – PubMed (

Alpinia oxyphylla is written in the book Vietnamese medicinal plants and herbs. The writer is Professor Do Tat Loi

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Product THAN AN PLUS – Supports reduction of frequent urination, helping to strengthen the kidneys.
BenefitsSupports to strengthen the kidneys, strengthening tendons and reduces lower back pain. Helps reduce frequent urination during the day and night due to impaired kidney functions.
Suitable forPeople with weak kidney functions. People with frequent urination during day or night. People who urinate frequently at certain times of the day or before going to bed but do not wake up to urinate at night. People with urinary tract infections, painful urination and lower back pain due to weak kidneys functions.