THAN AN PLUS - Supports reduction of frequent urination, helping to strengthen the kidneys.

We are always concerned about unworthy consequences for people, such as:

— People who have a stroke during the night just because they “Wake up to pee.”
— Many people with severe kidney failure go to the doctor, it’s too late, but they don’t know a clear sign earlier is Frequent Urination.
— A lot of people can’t sleep well because of Frequent Urination.
— People are afraid to travel just because of Frequent Urination.


THAN AN TIEN LIET TUYEN - Supports to reduce symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia and enlarged prostate in men.

Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is a common condition as men get older. An enlarged prostate gland can cause uncomfortable urinary problems such as:
— Frequent or urgent need to urinate.
— Increased frequency of urination at night (nocturia).
— Difficulty starting urination.
— Weak or interrupted urine stream.
— Dribbling after urination or inability to empty the bladder.

THAN AN SOI DAN - Supports to enhance passing kidney stones.

Kidney stones that move and cause obstruction are known to cause severe renal colic. Symptoms of kidney stones may not occur until the stone begins to move down the ureter.

— This intense pain is called renal colic. The patient may have pain at one side of the back or abdomen spreading to the back, which is very uncomfortable!
— It may also be accompanied by unpleasant symptoms such as blood in the urine (hematuria), vomiting, nausea, discolored or foul-smelling urine, chills, fever, and frequent need to urinate.
— Dribbling after urination.
— Many people have tried many methods of treatment and surgery to remove stones, but the disease keeps relapsing because of new
stones continue to form!
— Those who once had kidney colic due to kidney stones will be haunted and afraid of the recurrence.


PULLACO - Supports to reduce Cough, Sputum, Wheezing Shortness of breath due to Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), Asthma, Pneumonia, Bronchitis.

People with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), Asthma, Pneumonia, and Bronchitis often show symptoms of:

— Wheezing, shortness of breath, prolonged cough, dry cough, cough with phlegm, sore throat, hoarseness.
— Tachypnea, chest pain when walking and when changing the weather.
— Difficulty in breathing when climbing the stairs.
— They depend on inhalers (Short-acting bronchodilator Inhalers, Long-acting bronchodilator Inhalers, Steroid Inhalers), Theophylline Tablets (Theophylline is a type of Bronchodilator), Steroid Tablets, and Antibiotics.

— The frequency of Asthma attacks and Spasms of Bronchial smooth muscle increases due to swelling (inflammation) in the airways, smooth muscle spasms, and too much mucus.
— All-night insomnia because of coughing a lot at night and breathlessness in a lying position, so many people have to sleep in a half-sitting position.


PULLACO syrup - Supports to reduce Cough, Sputum and Sore throat due to Pharyngitis or Bronchitis.

Children, especially those under six years old, often have respiratory diseases such as Pneumonia, Bronchitis, Prolonged Cough with Fever, Runny nose and Stuffy nose, Sputum, Sore Throat, Fussy crying and Anorexia.

— Parents are often impatient, so they often give their children antibiotics.
— The overuse of antibiotics leads to resistance in the bacteria (bacteria that are harder to treat).
— As a result, the children’s immune systems get worse than before the use of antibiotics.
— In the illness and taking the antibiotics, the children experience diarrhea, tiredness and weakness, not wanting to play, anorexia, easily vomiting a lot of phlegm and fussy baby at night.
— Although the children recover from the illness, they quickly relapse and the symptoms regressed more seriously than earlier.
— The worst thing is that your child could have antibiotic resistance.
— All these consequences affect children’s growth.


SAM VIET - Supports to improve Blood Circulation, it serves as a Blood Tonic. Helps to Sleep Well and improves Resistance.

Ginseng is an herbal supplement used for centuries in traditional medicine. It is known for its health benefits, such as its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. What’s more, ginseng may strengthen the immune system, enhance brain function, reduce fatigue and boost health.

— However, depending on the condition of each person, people with chronic diseases using ginseng can increase blood pressure and make blood sugar too low hence, cannot sleep well, especially when taken in the evening.

— We desire that: Ginseng must be a nutritional supplement to help restore health for everyone, from the young to the elderly, especially those who suffer from chronic diseases such as Cardiovascular Diseases, High Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Kidney Failure, Pneumonia, Asthma, COPD, Insomnia, and Postpartum women.


TIMFAST - Supports to improve Circulation, and help reduce the risk of Stroke due to Embolism.

Nowadays, many young people who are the familys’ breadwinners suddenly pass away due to heart attack or brain stroke, leaving a traumatic loss. Because they are the breadwinners, it becomes a significant loss to their families!

… Unfortunately, not everyone knows that some of the typical symptoms are:

Angina, Headache, Dizziness, Trouble sleeping, Insomnia and Changes in Blood Pressure.


GALACO - Liver detox support and enhances liver function.

Many people might have lamented: “Although they don’t want to, they still have to drink beer and wine to be able to communicate with people; they can’t quit. It is hard to find clean food these days.”

— Consumption of contaminated food and alcohol is increasing, and the quality of human health is decreasing, especially among the youth and middle-aged people. Therefore, liver poisoning with alcohol, tobacco and contaminated food causes cirrhosis and liver cancer.

— Wondering how “It is possible to supplement daily with a product that helps neutralize toxins and prevent bad developments such as high liver enzymes, high blood fat, destroyed liver cells and ultimately prevent cirrhosis or liver cancer early so that life expectancy is longer and healthier?”

SHOP galaco

GLUTIM - Supports to lower blood glucose and reduces the risk of complications caused by Diabetes.

For many people with Diabetes, soreness, and foot problems are severe and can lead to amputation if untreated. Because of specific incidents, many patients need surgery but due to Diabetes, they cannot have surgery or surgery becomes complicated because of the inability of the wounds to heal. Most people who experience a sudden rise in blood sugar levels quickly have to take medicine regularly, which gradually weakens the organs and eventually makes them potential stroke patients.

— Many patients who want to eat a dish they like, a sweet cake but do not dare to eat, bring a bowl of white rice; vegetarian rice also worries, haunting fear of increasing blood sugar. They must diet because the disease leads to this 10-year average life expectancy! Desire to improve the quality of life for people with Diabetes, prolonging them, that’s our concern.

SHOP glutim

KHOP AN PLUS - Support healthy joints and bones, and enhance activities.

— Patients suffering from joint pain and stiffness often face many difficulties, such as insomnia due to joint pain, fatigue and difficulty moving.

— They often have to use various pain relievers and anti-inflammatory medicines, but they have to endure many side effects that can damage the stomach, liver and kidneys.

— The condition of many patients does not improve and becomes increasingly severe, leading to the need for surgery or even loss of natural mobility.